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* `ens`: number of ensemble members (i.e., number of tracers with the `oem_type` set to `ens`) |
* `ens`: number of ensemble members (i.e., number of tracers with the `oem_type` set to `ens`) |
* `reg`: number of scaling regions (same as in ``) |
* `reg`: number of scaling regions (same as in ``) |
== Online VPRM Tracer (for CO2 Respiration and Photosynthesis) == |
The output includes a respiration tracer (RA; CO2 emissions) and a gross photosynthetic production tracer (GPP; CO2 uptake). The net effect should be the difference between the respiration and GPP tracers. |
=== Required Settings === |
==== XML Tags for the Two Tracers ==== |
<syntaxhighlight lang="xml"> |
<chemtracer id="CO2_RA"> |
<oem_type type="char">vprm</oem_type> |
<oem_ftype type="char">resp</oem_ftype> |
... |
</chemtracer> |
</syntaxhighlight> |
<syntaxhighlight lang="xml"> |
<chemtracer id="CO2_GPP"> |
<oem_type type="char">vprm</oem_type> |
<oem_ftype type="char">gpp</oem_ftype> |
... |
</chemtracer> |
</syntaxhighlight> |
==== Namelist Parameters in `oemctrl_nml` ==== |
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash"> |
vegetation_indices_nc = '' |
</syntaxhighlight> |
The file `` needs to be produced using [ modis2grid], which remaps MODIS satellite data onto the ICON grid. |
== Technical Implementation of OEM == |
=== Reading of the `oemctrl_nml` Namelist === |
To read the `oemctrl_nml` namelist, two new files were added: `src/namelists/mo_oem_nml.f90` and `src/configure_model/mo_oem_config.f90`. The call to read the `oemctrl_nml` is included in `src/namelists/mo_read_namelists.f90`. |
--- |
=== Initialization === |
OEM initialization occurs during ART initialization. All routines are located in `art/emissions/mo_art_oem_init.f90`. Key routines include: |
<syntaxhighlight lang="fortran"> |
PUBLIC :: art_oem_init, & |
& art_oem_init_and_read_gridded_emissions, & |
& art_oem_init_vertical_profile_fields, & |
& art_oem_init_temporal_profile_fields, & |
& art_oem_read_temporal_profile_from_file, & |
& art_oem_interpolate_vertical_profiles, & |
& art_oem_read_vertical_profile_from_file, & |
& art_oem_cleanup_vertical_profile_fields |
</syntaxhighlight> |
The subroutine `art_oem_init` is called from `art_init` in `mo_art_init.f90`. It loops over all tracers, reads their XML tags, and checks for OEM-specific tags. It then initializes variables and calls routines to read emission fields, scaling profiles, and perform required interpolations. If an ensemble tracer is detected, `art_oem_ens_init` from `mo_art_oem_ensemble` (in `art/emissions/mo_art_oem_ensemble.f90`) is called to initialize ensemble members. |
--- |
=== Computation of Emissions === |
Emissions are computed during runtime using `mo_art_oem_emission` in `art/emissions/mo_art_oem_emission.f90`. Key routines include: |
<syntaxhighlight lang="fortran"> |
PUBLIC :: art_oem_compute_emissions, & |
& art_oem_extract_time_information |
</syntaxhighlight> |
`art_oem_compute_emissions` is called at every time step from `art_emission_interface` in `mo_art_emission_interface`. It loops over emission tracers, reads scaling profiles, emission fields, and updates tracer concentrations. Temporal scaling distinguishes three types: |
* 0: Constant emissions |
* 1: Emissions scaled by hour-of-day, day-of-week, and month-of-year profiles |
* 2: Emissions scaled by hour-of-year profile |
For temporal scaling type 1, total flux at grid cell ''i'' (in country ''c'') is: |
<math> F_i = \sum_{c=1}^{n} F_{i,cat}^{gridded} \times \lambda_{cat,c}^{hour-of-day} \times \lambda_{cat,c}^{day-of-week} \times \lambda_{cat,c}^{month-of-year} \times \lambda_{i,c}^{vertical} </math> |
= Running a Limited Area Mode (LAM) Simulation = |
= Running a Limited Area Mode (LAM) Simulation = |
Revision as of 00:50, 24 January 2025
Requirements for a Simulation
To run a Simulation with ICON-ART there are three main points to consider: Setting the namelist parameters, preparing the xmls, and optionally prepare additional Input data.
Namelist Inputs
To run a simulation with ICON-ART installed the first thing to prepare is the runfile. It is usually best to start with an existing and working runfile and adapt parts as needed. The runfile contains the majority of parameters to run a simulation, like the length, timesteps and grids used, as well as a variety of options for methods and parametrisations used in the model. The runfile contents are then split up in several namelists that the model reads at the beginning of a simulation. An overview of the Namelist Parameters can be found in Namelist.
To enable ART in an ICON simulation, the switch lart = .TRUE.
has to be set in the section &run_nml
. This is the global on/off switch for ICON-ART. This is how this could look like in the context of a runfile:
! run_nml: general switches ----------
ltestcase = .FALSE.
num_lev = 50
ltransport = .TRUE.
lart = .TRUE.
Generally the first letters of a namelist switch refer to its type, the "l" in "lart" stands for logical, meaning it has to be either True or False. Here are some examples.
namelist switch | type |
logical |
character |
integer |
The namelist &art_nml
is used for general options of the ART simulation. To run a certain kind of simulation the according switch has to be set to .TRUE.
. For Example to include a point source the switch cart_aerosol_xml
has to be set to .TRUE.
XML Inputs
This enables the inclusion of a .xml file containing additional information like location and strength of the point source. The table below contains the most important &art_nml
namelist parameters and additional namelist parameters required if they are set to .TRUE.
XML File | Description | Namelist parameter dependency | Default | Further Information |
Switch for simple OH chemistry | lart_chemtracer
.FALSE. | Chemistry Tracers |
Switch for kpp chemistry | lart_mecca
.FALSE. | Atmospheric Chemistry |
Enables creation of point sources emitting given Aerosols at a given rate | lart_pntSrc
.FALSE. | Point Source |
Main switch for the treatment of atmospheric aerosols | lart_aerosol
.FALSE. | Aerosol Tracers |
Main switch for the treatment of atmospheric aerosols | lart_aerosol
.FALSE. | Aerosol Modes |
Enables diagnostic output fields | lart_diag_out
.FALSE. | - |
XML File for emission metadata | - | - | Aerosol Emission |
XML File for metadata of datasets prescribing tracers | - | - | - |
XML File containing additional information about coagulation | - | - | - |
The reason for the use of those additional .xml files is that the ART variables they contain (sea salt, mineral dust etc.) might be different for every run which differs from the Icon Variables (Temperature, Pressure, etc.) which usually don’t change between runs. .xml files are readable for both humans and machines, which makes them easy to tweak and integrate. An Example for the contents of an .xml file adding ash particles can be seen below.
<aerosol id="asha">
<kind type="char">2mom</kind>
<d_gn type="real">1.190E-6</d_gn>
<sigma_g type="real">1.410E+0</sigma_g>
<rho type="real">2.600E+3</rho>
Here is an example for a more complex .xml using AERODYN: This is an example for the number and mass concentration of dust in a tracer .xml.
<aerosol id="nmb">
<moment type="int">0</moment>
<mode type="char">insol_acc,insol_coa</mode>
<unit type="char">kg-1</unit>
<transport type="char">hadv52aero</transport>
<aerosol id="dust">
<moment type="int">3</moment>
<mode type="char">insol_acc,insol_coa</mode>
<sol type="real">1.0</sol>
<mol_weight type="real">50.00E-3</mol_weight>
<rho type="real">2.650E3</rho>
<unit type="char">mug kg-1</unit>
<transport type="char">hadv52aero</transport>
Further .xml examples can be fount in /your_ART_Directory/runctrl_examples/xml_ctrl.
Input Data
Depending on the type of simulation there might be additional input files required. These are essential files that are not contained in classical ICON initialisation data. For example for the emission of mineral dust there has to be information about the soil types supplied to the model. The additional input files should be renamed to a netcdf file and follow the naming convention shown in fig 1.1. Please note that the XXX has to be replaced by one of the indices mentionend in Table input-init and input-emissions.
Species | Namelist switch | Options | XXX |
Gas | iart_init_gas
0 (cold start), 5 (from file) | ICE |
Aerosol | iart_init_aero
0 (cold start), 5 (from file) | IAE |
Obtaining Input Data
The 2 ways of obtaining input data are to generate it yourself or download it.
Emission Data
In every ICON-ART, there is the possibility to add additional input data like emission data that correspond with different sources. A quick overview about them can be found below.
Type | Data | XXX |
Point souces | XML-file | - |
Sea salt | no extra data necessary | - |
Mineral Dust | Soil Type Data | ART_STY |
Biogenic VOCs | Emissions or Vegetatiom | ART_STY |
Athropogenic emissions | Emission data sets | ART_BIO ART_ANT |
Biomass burning | Satellite data | ART_BCF |
Chemical Tracer
Emission data can be obtained from several sources. The following table should give an overview about which emission data are available for a corresponding tracer. To find out when to use which emission data type we recommend respective further reading.
Remapping Emissions
A comprehensible manual can be found here. The document was provided by M. Weimer (June 2019). This document provides an overview of the workflow to be done in order to remap a set of emission data onto your own ICON grid. The raw emission data can be taken from emission inventories such as Edgar, MACCity, etc. (see above). The desired files can be copied to an own directory where they serve as input for the remap procedure described in the manual. Additional remarks:
- The mentioned workflow was initially designed for FH2. Should be tested on other machines as well
- The automatic addition of emission tags to the tracer.xml ( is very sensitive to tracer names and emission species. In doubt, add emission tags manually.
- In any case, double check if all emission tags have been assigned to the correct tracer
Online emission module (OEM)
The online emission module (OEM) is an extension to ICON-ART for the application of temporal and vertical emission profiles online during a simulation. Its concept and functionality is described in [Jähn et al. (2020)]( More recently, it was extended with the capability of generating an ensemble of perturbed emissions and boundary conditions and corresponding tracers online, which enables efficient coupling with the inversion systems CTDAS and CIF. Finally, it was extended with the Vegetation Photosynthesis and Respiration Model (VPRM) of [Mahadevan et al. (2008)]( for the online computation of atmosphere - biosphere exchange of CO2, which is a critical feature for simulations of atmospheric CO2.
The Online Emission Module (OEM) computes emissions "online", i.e. during run time, based on one single gridded emissions file in addition to temporal and vertical scaling profiles. The temporal profiles to be provided are hour-of-day, day-of-week and month-of-year. Those three profiles can be replaced by the profile hour-of-year.
The use of OEM for a tracer in ART is enabled by adding additional xml-tags to the xml metadata of the corresponding tracer. In addition, the input files for OEM are controlled with the namelist `oemctrl_nml`. The following 3 types of "OEM-tracers" are possible: "emis" (enables the update of the tracer with emissions from OEM), "ens" (defines this tracer as a member of an ensemble of perturbed emissions) and "vprm" (used for the tracers representing biospheric fluxes in VPRM).
OEM tracer with emissions
This feature is available with the [icon-kit-dev]( and [master]( branch of the icon-kit and art repository, respectively. An example for a standard **OEM tracer with emissions** is given in [Tutorial examples](
Using this feature requires the following settings:
XML-tags for OEM tracers (example):
<oem_type type="char">emis</oem_type>
<oem_cat type="char">CH4_A,CH4_B</oem_cat>
<oem_vp type="char">GNFR_A,GNFR_B</oem_vp>
<oem_tp type="char">GNFR_A,GNFR_B</oem_tp>
<oem_tscale type="int">1</oem_tscale>
- The main xml-tag to enable OEM is `oem_type`. By setting it to `emis`, the corresponding tracer is updated with emissions by OEM. This type of tracer requires the following 4 additional xml-tags.
- The xml-tag `oem_cat` defines the categories contributing to the emissions of this tracer. The category names (in this example "CH4_A" and "CH4_B") must match the names of the variables in the gridded emission file.
- The xml-tag `oem_vp` defines the vertical profiles for the emission categories. The number of vertical profile categories must match the number of emission categories (`oem_cat`). The category names (in this example "GNFR_A" and "GNF_B") must match the names of the variables in the vertical profile file.
- The xml-tag `oem_tp` defines the temporal profiles for the emission categories. The number of temporal profile categories must match the number of emission categories (`oem_cat`). The category names (in this example "GNFR_A" and "GNF_B") must match the names of the variables in the temporal profile files.
- The xml-tag `oem_tscale` defines the type of temporal profiles used for this tracer. It can either be set to 1 (to use the profiles hour-of-day, day-of-week, and month-of-year) or to 2 (to use the profile hour-of-year).
Namelist-parameters in `oemctrl_nml` (for `oem_tscale`=1):
gridded_emissions_nc = ''
vertical_profile_nc = ''
hour_of_day_nc = ''
day_of_week_nc = ''
month_of_year_nc = ''
Namelist-parameters in `oemctrl_nml` (for `oem_tscale`=2):
gridded_emissions_nc = ''
vertical_profile_nc = ''
hour_of_year_nc = ''
- The file `` contains the emissions of all categories with the names specified in the xml-tag `oem_cat` on the (2D) dynamical ICON grid. Besides the emissions of the categories, the file must contain the variable "country_ids" with the EMEP country codes for every cell.
- The file `` contains the vertical profiles of all categories with the names specified in the xml-tag `oem_vp`. The levels of these profiles are specified with the variables "layer_bot", "layer_mid", and "layer_top" on the number of levels specified with the "level" dimension. The interpolation to the ICON levels in the simulation is done by OEM.
- The files ``, ``, ``, and `` contain the temporal profiles of all categories with the names specified in the xml-tag `oem_tp`. The dimensions for the profile variables in these files are `(hourofday=24,country)`, `(dayofweek=7,country)`, `(monthofyear=12,country)`, and `(hourofyear=8784,country)`, respectively, where "country" corresponds to the number of countries within the domain of the dynamical grid. Note that the 8784 hours of a year correspond to a leap year, which must be considered in the pre-processing of the profiles. In the case of a common year, the last 24 indices of the variable are not used.
Online Generation of a Flux Ensemble
This feature is available with the icon-kit-dev and master branch of the icon-kit and art repository, respectively. An example for an **ensemble of flux fields** is provided in the Tutorial examples.
It requires the following settings:
XML-Tags (Example):
- Undisturbed reference tracer** (standard OEM emission tracer), from which the ensemble is generated:
<chemtracer id="CH4_A">
<oem_type type="char">emis</oem_type>
<oem_cat type="char">CH4_A,CH4_B</oem_cat>
<oem_vp type="char">GNFR_A,GNFR_B</oem_vp>
<oem_tp type="char">GNFR_A,GNFR_B</oem_tp>
<oem_tscale type="int">1</oem_tscale>
- Each ensemble member:**
<chemtracer id="CH4_A-001">
<oem_type type="char">ens</oem_type>
- Each ensemble member requires its own entry in the XML file.
- The name format for the ensemble members must be strictly followed. The tracer name of the undisturbed reference tracer (in this example, "CH4_A") is followed by a "-" and a three-digit number indicating the ensemble member number (e.g., "001", "002", "003", etc.). **The tracer name of the undisturbed reference tracer must not contain any "-"**.
- For the ensemble members, no additional XML tags are required. The settings defined by the XML tags (such as `oem_vp` or `oem_tscale`) are inherited from the undisturbed reference tracer.
Namelist Parameters in `oemctrl_nml`
(In addition to the namelist parameters for the standard OEM emission tracer):
ens_reg_nc = ''
ens_lambda_nc = ''
- The file `` contains the region mask, linking the individual grid cells to the scaling regions. The file has 1 variable and 1 dimension:
* `int64 REG(cell)` with the `cell` dimension having the same size as the number of grid cells of the dynamical grid. The value in `REG` indicates the scaling region for each grid cell.
- The file `` contains the scaling factor for the generation of the flux ensemble. The file has 1 variable and 4 dimensions:
* `float lambda(ens, reg, cat, tracer)` * `ens`: number of ensemble members (i.e., number of tracers with the `oem_type` set to `ens`) * `reg`: number of scaling regions * `cat`: number of categories (i.e., number of categories in `oem_cat` of the undisturbed reference tracer) * `tracer`: number of tracers from which an ensemble is generated (usually 1)
Perturbation of Tracer Boundary Conditions
This feature is available with the icon-kit/icon-kit-oem and oem branch of the icon-kit and art repository, respectively. An example for a setup with **perturbed tracer boundary conditions** is provided in the Tutorial examples.
It requires the following settings:
XML-Tags for Ensemble Members:
<chemtracer id="CH4_A-001">
<oem_type type="char">ens</oem_type>
<oem_bg_ens type="char">CH4_BG</oem_bg_ens>
- This setting requires the existence of the following two tracers:
1. An undisturbed reference emission tracer (e.g., "CH4_A"). 2. A background tracer updated at the lateral boundaries (e.g., "CH4_BG").
- The "background tracer" is initialized at the beginning of the simulation and updated at the lateral boundaries using the following XML tags:
<init_mode type="int">1</init_mode>
<latbc type="char">file</latbc>
- By adding the `oem_bg_ens` XML tag to the ensemble member, the tracer field of the tracer specified in this tag is copied to the ensemble member and perturbed at the lateral boundaries based on additional region masks and scaling factors.
Namelist Parameters in `oemctrl_nml`
(In addition to the namelist parameters for the standard OEM emission tracer and the namelist parameters for online flux ensemble generation):
boundary_regions_nc = ''
boundary_lambda_nc = ''
- The file `` contains the region mask, linking individual grid cells of the lateral boundary grid to the scaling regions. The file has 2 variables and 2 dimensions:
* `int64 boundaryregion(cell, reg)` * `int64 global_cell_idx(cell)` * `cell`: has the same size as the number of grid cells of the lateral boundary grid. * `reg`: size of the number of scaling regions. * The values in `boundaryregion` are either 1 or 0. For each scaling region, the grid cells are indicated with 1, while all others are set to 0. `global_cell_idx` indicates the global cell index of each boundary grid cell in the ICON dynamical grid.
- The file `` contains the scaling factor for perturbation of the tracer boundary conditions. The file has 1 variable and 2 dimensions:
* `float lambda(ens, reg)` * `ens`: number of ensemble members (i.e., number of tracers with the `oem_type` set to `ens`) * `reg`: number of scaling regions (same as in ``)
Online VPRM Tracer (for CO2 Respiration and Photosynthesis)
The output includes a respiration tracer (RA; CO2 emissions) and a gross photosynthetic production tracer (GPP; CO2 uptake). The net effect should be the difference between the respiration and GPP tracers.
Required Settings
XML Tags for the Two Tracers
<chemtracer id="CO2_RA">
<oem_type type="char">vprm</oem_type>
<oem_ftype type="char">resp</oem_ftype>
<chemtracer id="CO2_GPP">
<oem_type type="char">vprm</oem_type>
<oem_ftype type="char">gpp</oem_ftype>
Namelist Parameters in `oemctrl_nml`
vegetation_indices_nc = ''
The file `` needs to be produced using modis2grid, which remaps MODIS satellite data onto the ICON grid.
Technical Implementation of OEM
Reading of the `oemctrl_nml` Namelist
To read the `oemctrl_nml` namelist, two new files were added: `src/namelists/mo_oem_nml.f90` and `src/configure_model/mo_oem_config.f90`. The call to read the `oemctrl_nml` is included in `src/namelists/mo_read_namelists.f90`.
OEM initialization occurs during ART initialization. All routines are located in `art/emissions/mo_art_oem_init.f90`. Key routines include:
PUBLIC :: art_oem_init, &
& art_oem_init_and_read_gridded_emissions, &
& art_oem_init_vertical_profile_fields, &
& art_oem_init_temporal_profile_fields, &
& art_oem_read_temporal_profile_from_file, &
& art_oem_interpolate_vertical_profiles, &
& art_oem_read_vertical_profile_from_file, &
& art_oem_cleanup_vertical_profile_fields
The subroutine `art_oem_init` is called from `art_init` in `mo_art_init.f90`. It loops over all tracers, reads their XML tags, and checks for OEM-specific tags. It then initializes variables and calls routines to read emission fields, scaling profiles, and perform required interpolations. If an ensemble tracer is detected, `art_oem_ens_init` from `mo_art_oem_ensemble` (in `art/emissions/mo_art_oem_ensemble.f90`) is called to initialize ensemble members.
Computation of Emissions
Emissions are computed during runtime using `mo_art_oem_emission` in `art/emissions/mo_art_oem_emission.f90`. Key routines include:
PUBLIC :: art_oem_compute_emissions, &
& art_oem_extract_time_information
`art_oem_compute_emissions` is called at every time step from `art_emission_interface` in `mo_art_emission_interface`. It loops over emission tracers, reads scaling profiles, emission fields, and updates tracer concentrations. Temporal scaling distinguishes three types:
- 0: Constant emissions
- 1: Emissions scaled by hour-of-day, day-of-week, and month-of-year profiles
- 2: Emissions scaled by hour-of-year profile
For temporal scaling type 1, total flux at grid cell i (in country c) is:
Running a Limited Area Mode (LAM) Simulation
Here are some notes on setting up an ICON-ART LAM simulation. Theses settings are important if you use initial data and boundary data from different sources. It is preferable to use data from the same source to be consistent. However, in certain situations this is not possible due to limitations of the model (e.g. initialization routines).
Required data for LAM domain
Grid of LAM domain external parameters of LAM domain external parameters containing soil parameters (only necessary for dust simulations) initial data (ICON-ART or IFS)
Required data for LAM boundaries
Auxiliary grid (grid containing boundary area of the LAM domain, generated during remapping process with ICONtools) forcing data for the boundaries
There are two different possible methods to read in the dust during initialization. You can either pass a file containing meteorological variables and a second file containing dust data. The vertical levels may differ between these two files and the dust must be delivered as ART_IAE file. The corresponding namelist setting in &art_nml
is iart_init_aero=5
The other possibility is to pass all variables required for the initialization in a single file. The vertical levels must all be consistent and the corresponding namelist setting in &art_nml
is iart_init_aero=0
. Furthermore you have to add file in the tracer xml file.
Boundary Data
The boundary data can only be passed to the model as one single file per time step. The vertical levels for all time steps must be the same. Otherwise an error occurs. If you use data from a different source than the one used for initialization, it is crucial to decouple the reading of the boundary data from the reading of initial data. During the start of the simulation it is possible to read the first boundary data from the initial data when using ICON-ART data. To prevent this and to read the boundary data from a separate file during initialization, set init_latbc_from_fg = .FALSE.
in &limarea_nml
. Additionally you have to add file in the tracer xml file.
Creating A Nested ICON-Grid
There are four steps to create a grid. The steps have to be run separately as they are dependent on each other.
Graph Generation
The first step is creating the graph. Ensure that you specify R and B for the finest nest! I.e. if you plan a global R2B6 grid with a R2B7 Nest, you have to set R=2 and B=7. An example namelist in a runscript looks like this:
nroot = ${R}
grid_levels = ${B}
echo global_graph_generator null > $commandFile
job_submit -c p -p 1 -t 60 -m 32000 ${run_commmand}
You might have to increase the allocated memory (-m 64000) if the process crashes (-p 1 is maximum because of lacking parallelization)
Grid generation
The second step is the generation of all (global) grids. I.e., if you choose R=2 and B=7, you get global grids for R2B1, R2B2, R2B3, R2B4, R2B5, R2B6 and R2B7. Even if you want R2B7 to be your nest, you have to do this step down to R2B7! This means, that the values of R and B for step 1 and 2 must not differ. As far as I could figure out, the spring dynamics optimization is the one to choose. Therefore, you should choose @itype_optimize = 4@. An example namelist looks like this:
nroot = ${R}
grid_levels = ${B}
itype_optimize = 4
echo global_grid_generator null > $commandFile
job_submit -c p -p 1 -t 600 -m 32000 ${run_commmand}
If you want to generate a finer grid (e.g. R2B10) you might have to increase the allocated memory (-m 256000).
Modify the filenames
The spring-dynamics-optimized files carry this information within their filename. In order to continue, the names have to be changed to the standard names of grids. This can be done within a script as shown in the following. (@maxlev_optim@ is a parameter, that specifies the maximum level to which optimizations are applied. This is set in the previous step within the grid_options namelist. As the default is 100, there is usually no need to change this. You just have to set the variable @maxlev_optim@ within the script for the copying):
while [[ $level -le $maxlev_optim ]] ; do
cp iconR${R}B0${level} iconR${R}B0${level}
Nested grid creation
As a last step, you have to specify the nests. In the following example, three nests are added to a global R2B6 grid. Therefore, @start_lev = 6@ and @n_dom = 4@. As these nests are subsequent, the @parent_id@ of each nest is the one of the domain with one rank higher. I.e. R2B6 has the ID 1, therefore the @parent_id@ of R2B7 is 1. R2B8 has the ID of the R2B7 as @parent_id@ and therefore 2. The different domains are seperated by commas in the namelist. The global domain does of course not show up (you produced the global grid files in step 2). In this example, the further namelist variables mean the following: @l_circ@ gives the nests a circular instead of an rectangular shape. @l_plot@ provides output which can be used to plot the grids with GMT scripts. @radius, center_lon, center_lat@ define the location of the nests. With @lsep_gridref_info = .true.@ the grid information is stored within an additional grid description file. This needs then to be specified within ICON!
grid_root = 2
start_lev = 6
n_dom = 4
parent_id = 1,2,3
l_circ = .true.
l_plot = .true.
radius = 20.,12.,12.
center_lon = 10.,5.,5.
center_lat = 40.,47.5,47.5
bdy_indexing_depth = 14
lsep_gridref_info = .false.
echo global_grid_refine null > $commandFile
job_submit -c p -p 64 -t 60 -m 16000 ${run_commmand}
If you want to generate a finer grid (e.g. R2B10) you might have to increase the allocated memory (-m 64000).