Requirements for a Simulation
To run a Simulation with ICON-ART there are three main points to consider: Setting the namelist parameters, preparing the xmls, and optionally prepare additional Input data.
Namelist Inputs
To run a simulation with ICON-ART installed the first thing to prepare is the runfile. It is usually best to start with an existing and working runfile and adapt parts as needed. The runfile contains the majority of parameters to run a simulation, like the length, timesteps and grids used, as well as a variety of options for methods and parametrisations used in the model. The runfile contents are then split up in several namelists that the model reads at the beginning of a simulation. An overview of the Namelist Parameters can be found in Namelist.
To enable ART in an ICON simulation, the switch lart = .TRUE.
has to be set in the section &run_nml
. This is the global on/off switch for ICON-ART. This is how this could look like in the context of a runfile:
! run_nml: general switches ---------- &run_nml ltestcase = .FALSE. num_lev = 50 ltransport = .TRUE. ............. \textcolor{red}{lart = .TRUE.}
Generally the first letters of a namelist switch refer to its type, the "l" in "lart" stands for logical, meaning it has to be either True or False. Here are some examples.
namelist switch | type |
logical |
character |
integer |
The namelist &art_nml
is used for general options of the ART simulation. To run a certain kind of simulation the according switch has to be set to .TRUE.
. For Example to include a point source the switch cart_aerosol_xml
has to be set to .TRUE.
XML Inputs
This enables the inclusion of a .xml file containing additional information like location and strength of the point source. The table below contains the most important &art_nml
namelist parameters and additional namelist parameters required if they are set to .TRUE.
XML File | Description | Namelist parameter dependency | Default |
Switch for simple OH chemistry | lart_chemtracer
Switch for kpp chemistry | lart_mecca
Enables addition of point sources | lart_pntSrc
Main switch for the treatment of atmospheric aerosols | lart_aerosol
Main switch for the treatment of atmospheric aerosols | lart_aerosol
Enables diagnostic output fields | lart_diag_out
The reason for the use of those additional .xml files is that the ART variables they contain (sea salt, mineral dust etc.) might be different for every run which differs from the Icon Variables (Temperature, Pressure, etc.) which usually don’t change between runs. .xml files are readable for both humans and machines, which makes them easy to tweak and integrate. An Example for the contents of an .xml file adding ash particles can be seen below.
<modes> <aerosol id="asha"> <kind type="char">2mom</kind> <d_gn type="real">1.190E-6</d_gn> <sigma_g type="real">1.410E+0</sigma_g> <rho type="real">2.600E+3</rho> </aerosol> </modes>
Here is an example for a more complex .xml using AERODYN: This is an example for the number and mass concentration of dust in a tracer .xml.
<tracers> <aerosol id="nmb"> <moment type="int">0</moment> <mode type="char">insol_acc,insol_coa</mode> <unit type="char">kg-1</unit> <transport type="char">hadv52aero</transport> </aerosol> <aerosol id="dust"> <moment type="int">3</moment> <mode type="char">insol_acc,insol_coa</mode> <sol type="real">1.0</sol> <mol_weight type="real">50.00E-3</mol_weight> <rho type="real">2.650E3</rho> <unit type="char">mug kg-1</unit> <transport type="char">hadv52aero</transport> </aerosol> </tracers>
Further .xml examples can be fount in /your_ART_Directory/runctrl_examples/xml_ctrl.
Input Data
Depending on the type of simulation there might be additional input files required. These are essential files that are not contained in classical ICON initialisation data. For example for the emission of mineral dust there has to be information about the soil types supplied to the model. The additional input files should be renamed to a netcdf file and follow the naming convention shown in fig 1.1. Please note that the XXX has to be replaced by one of the indices mentionend in Table input-init and input-emissions.
Species | Namelist switch | Options | XXX |
Gas | iart_init_gas
0 (cold start), 5 (from file) | IGX |
Aerosol | iart_init_aero
0 (cold start), 5 (from file) | IAE |
Type | Data | XXX |
Point souces | XML-file | - |
Sea salt | no extra data necessary | - |
Mineral Dust | Soil Type Data | ART_STY |
Biogenic VOCs | Emissions or Vegetatiom | ART_STY |
Athropogenic emissions | Emission data sets | ART_BIO ART_ANT |
Biomass burning | Satellite data | ART_BCF |
Obtaining Input Data
The 2 ways of obtaining input data are to generate it yourself or download it.