In principle, output of ICON-ART variables works the same way as for ICON variables. As described in , the following five quantities of the output have to be specified:
- The time interval between two model outputs.
- The name of the output file.
- The name of the variable(s) and/or variable group(s).
- The type of vertical output grid.
- The type of horizontal output grid.
For the best results it is recommended to use NETCDF output on the icosahedral grid which ICON-ART is using. However in some applications remapping the grid to a latitude-longitude grid may be required, which can be set via the remap
option. A corresponding output namelist for sea salt on model levels can be seen here:
NAMELIST EXAMPLE &output_nml filetype = 4 ! output format: 2=GRIB2, 4=NETCDFv2 dom = 1 ! write output for domain 1 output_start = "JJJJ-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ" !put date in output_end = "JJJJ-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ" !put date in output_interval = "PT1H" ! \href{ISO8601}{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601} steps_per_file = 1 ! max. num. of time steps within one file mode = 1 ! 1: forecast mode (relative t-axis) include_last = .TRUE. ! include the last time step output_filename = '<INSERTFILENAME>' ! file name base ml_varlist = 'seasa','seasb','seasc', 'seasa0','seasb0','seasc0' remap = 1 ! output is transferred to lat long grid reg_lon_def = -180.,0.5,179.5 !start, incr., end, in deg. reg_lat_def = 90.,-0.5, -90. !start, incr., end, in deg.
There is an option to obtain all diagnostic Variables of a certain Group without having to specifying all of them. For example, you may use the group ART_DIAGNOSTICS.
To include a group of Variables in the output file change the namelist variable ml_varlist from the example above to the following:
ml_varlist = 'group:ART_DIAGNOSTICS'
The output variables that are associated to this group will be written to the output file. You can check the groups of output variables in this Table .
Available Output Variables
The following table contains an overview of the possible output variables.
Currently there are two ways to specify Tracer in ICON-ART: The classical way and via AERODYN:
- Classical: : The Tracers for Dust, Seasalt, Ash and Soot are combined with the three Possible modes a, b and c, which correspond to the different size bins of the particles.
dust | seasalt | ash | soot | |
a | dusta | seasa | asha | soota |
b | dustb | seasb | ashb | sootb |
c | dustc | seasc | ashc | sootc |
- Using AERODYN: Here a tracer is defined in a different way, with the goal being to have a more flexible framework for various applications. In this framework modes are created in a different way, as illustrated int the table below:
varname = 'Tracer' + '_' + 'mode from Table'
Example : dust_insol_acc
Aitken | Accumulation | coarse | giant | |
soluble | ||||
insoluble | ||||
mixed |
varname | groups | unit | descripition | namelist switch | required xml |
Aerosols | |||||
aerosol=[dust,seas,ash,soot] | soot requires iart_fire>1 , seasalt requires iart_seasalt>1 , dust and ash are already included | ||||
modes=[a, b, c] | |||||
diam_[modes] | ART_DIAGNOSTICS | m | lart_aerosol=True and lart_diag_out=True | requires cart_diagnostics_xml file | |
aeronet wavelength=[340, 380, 440, 500, 550, 675, 870, 1020, 1064] | |||||
aod_[aerosol]_[aeronet wavelength]nm | ART_DIAGNOSTICS , ART_ROUTINE_DIAG | Layer-1 | [AEROSOL] optical depth | lart_aerosol=True and lart_diag_out=True | requires cart_diagnostics_xml file |
ceilo_wavelength = [355,532,1064] | |||||
bsc_[arosol]_[ceilo_wavelength]nm | ART_DIAGNOSTICS | m-1 sr-1 | [AEROSOL] backscatter | lart_aerosol=True and lart_diag_out=True | requires cart_diagnostics_xml file |
ceil_[arosol]_[ceilo_wavelength]nm | ART_DIAGNOSTICS , ART_ROUTINE_DIAG | m-1 sr-1 | [AEROSOL] Attenuated Backscatter Ceilometer | lart_aerosol=True and lart_diag_out=True | requires cart_diagnostics_xml file |
sat_[arosol]_[ceilo_wavelength]nm | ART_DIAGNOSTICS | m-1 sr-1 | [AEROSOL] Attenuated Backscatter Satellite | lart_aerosol=True and lart_diag_out=True | requires cart_diagnostics_xml file |
AOD_550_so4_sol | ART_DIAGNOSTICS | layer-1 | SO4 sol Optical Depth | lart_aerosol=True and lart_diag_out=True | requires cart_diagnostics_xml file |
AOD_550_ash_insol | ART_DIAGNOSTICS | layer-1 | Ash insol Optical Depth | lart_aerosol=True and lart_diag_out=True | requires cart_diagnostics_xml file |
AOD_550_ash_mixed | ART_DIAGNOSTICS | layer-1 | Ash mixed Optical Depth | lart_aerosol=True and lart_diag_out=True | requires cart_diagnostics_xml file |
AOD_550_ash_giant | ART_DIAGNOSTICS | layer-1 | Ash giant Optical Depth | lart_aerosol=True and lart_diag_out=True | requires cart_diagnostics_xml file |
ustar_thres | ART_ROUTINE_DIAG | m s-1 | threshold friction velocity for dust emission' | lart_aerosol=True and lart_diag_out=True | requires cart_diagnostics_xml file |
ustar | ART_ROUTINE_DIAG | m s-1 | Friction velocity | lart_aerosol=True and lart_diag_out=True | requires cart_diagnostics_xml file |
acc_drydepo_[xml defined] | ART_DIAGNOSTICS , ART_ROUTINE_DIAG | tracer-unit m-2 | accumulated dry deposition of tracer | lart_aerosol=True and lart_diag_out=True | requires cart_diagnostics_xml file |
acc_sedim_[xml defined] | ART_DIAGNOSTICS , ART_ROUTINE_DIAG | tracer-unit m-2 | accumulated sedimentation of tracer | lart_aerosol=True and lart_diag_out=True | requires cart_diagnostics_xml file |
acc_wetdepo_gscp_[xml defined] | ART_DIAGNOSTICS , ART_ROUTINE_DIAG | tracer-unit m-2 | accumulated wet deposition by grid scale precipitation of tracer | lart_aerosol=True and lart_diag_out=True | requires cart_diagnostics_xml file |
acc_wetdepo_con_[xml defined] | ART_DIAGNOSTICS , ART_ROUTINE_DIAG | tracer-unit m-2 | accumulated wet deposition by convective precipitation of tracer | lart_aerosol=True and lart_diag_out=True | requires cart_diagnostics_xml file |
acc_wetdepo_rrsfc_[xml defined] | ART_DIAGNOSTICS , ART_ROUTINE_DIAG | tracer-unit m-2 | accumulated wet deposition of tracer if precipitation reaches surface | lart_aerosol=True and lart_diag_out=True | requires cart_diagnostics_xml file |
emiss_[xml defined] | ART_DIAGNOSTICS , ART_ROUTINE_DIAG | tracer-unit m-2 s-1 | emission of tracer | lart_aerosol=True and lart_diag_out=True | requires cart_diagnostics_xml file |
acc_emiss_[xml defined] | ART_DIAGNOSTICS , ART_ROUTINE_DIAG | tracer-unit m-2 | accumulated emission of tracer | lart_aerosol=True and lart_diag_out=True | requires cart_diagnostics_xml file |
pollen variables from art_ext%pollen_prop%pollen_type(jt) | iart_pollen>0 | REQUIRES diagnostics.xml | |||
Chemistry | |||||
reac_rates | ART_DIAGNOSTICS | s-1 | MECCA reaction rates | lart_mecca=True, lart_diag_out=True | |
art_o3 | kg/kg | Ozone mass mixing ratio | lart_chem =True, lart_diag_out=True | ||
OH_Nconc | # / cm3 | OH number concentration | lart_chem =TRUE | ||
photo | - | s-1 | photolysis rates | lart_chem=TRUE, lart_mecca=TRUE | |
art_full_chemistry_o3_col | - | DU | Ozone column | lart_chem=TRUE, lart_mecca=TRUE | |
sts_liqsur | ART_DIAGNOSTICS | cm2 cm-3 | liquid area density of STS | lart_chem=TRUE , lart_psc=TRUE | |
cgaml | ART_DIAGNOSTICS | - | STS uptake coefficient of the reaction | lart_chem=TRUE , lart_psc=TRUE | |
dens_ice | ART_DIAGNOSTICS | m-3 | number density of ice particles | lart_chem=TRUE , lart_psc=TRUE | |
radius_ice | ART_DIAGNOSTICS | m | radius of ice particles | lart_chem=TRUE , lart_psc=TRUE | |
radius_STS | ART_DIAGNOSTICS | m | radius of STS particles | lart_chem=TRUE , lart_psc=TRUE | |
dens_NAT | ART_DIAGNOSTICS | m-3 | number density of NAT particles | lart_chem=TRUE , lart_psc=TRUE | |
radius_NAT | ART_DIAGNOSTICS | m | radius of NAT particles | lart_chem=TRUE , lart_psc=TRUE | |
HNO3_Nconc_s | ART_DIAGNOSTICS | cm-3 | number concentration of HNO3 in NAT | lart_chem=TRUE , lart_psc=TRUE | |
HNO3_Nconc_l | ART_DIAGNOSTICS | cm-3 | number concentration of HNO3 in STS | lart_chem=TRUE , lart_psc=TRUE | |
ice_vmr_Marti | ART_DIAGNOSTICS | mol mol-1 | volume mixing ratio of solid water by Marti and Mauersberger | lart_chem=TRUE , lart_psc=TRUE | |
NAT_sedi_rel_difference | ART_DIAGNOSTICS | - | relative difference of NAT mass bef and aft sedi (aft - bef) * 2 / (aft + bef) | lart_chem=TRUE , lart_psc=TRUE | |
NAT_sedi_vel | ART_DIAGNOSTICS | m s-1 | sedimentation velocity of NAT particles | lart_chem=TRUE , lart_psc=TRUE | |
art_so2_col | ART_DIAGNOSTICS | DU | SO2 column | lat_chem=TRUE , lart_chemtracer=TRUE | |
Radioactive Tracers Diagnostics | |||||
wet deposition of xml defined tracer | ART_DIAGNOSTICS, ART_ROUTINE_DIAG | Bq m-2 | wet deposition of xml defined tracer | lart_aerosol=True and iart_radioact=1 | |
dry deposition of xml defined tracer | ART_DIAGNOSTICS, ART_ROUTINE_DIAG | Bq m-2 | dry deposition of xml defined tracer | lart_aerosol=True and iart_radioact=1 | |
Averaged air concentration of xml defined traer | ART_DIAGNOSTICS, ART_ROUTINE_DIAG | Bq m-3 | Averaged air concentration of xml defined traer | lart_aerosol=True and iart_radioact=1 | |
FPLUME Output | |||||
plume_height | ART_FPLUME | m | plume height | iart_fplume/=0 | |
plume_MFR | ART_FPLUME | kg s-1 | plume MFR | iart_fplume/=0 | |
MER_transport | ART_FPLUME | kg s-1 | Amount of very fine ash for transport | iart_fplume/=0 | |
solution_with | ART_FPLUME | - | FPlume off, Mastin, or FPlume | iart_fplume/=0 |